Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm moving! That's right, the Everyday Mountains blog is moving to Wordpress. You can find new posts at:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Yes, I am Some Sort of Freak

About a year and a half ago, I was doing some serious soul searching with regard to career and why the heck I can’t ever seem to find my place in life. Wanting to define myself in some kind of scientific terms, I decided I ought to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

What I learned is that I am somewhat of a freak.

Yes, a freak of nature. As an INFP, my particular type represents only 4 percent of the total population. OK, so it’s not that uncommon since there are several other types with similar representation, but it’s in the bottom half of the types as far as frequency.

Let’s take a look at the analysis:
  • INFPs are idealistic and may be perfectionists.
  • They have an inner core of values that guides all their interactions and decisions.
  • They are loyal to their values and want to live their life in a way that is congruent with those values.
  • They are often good at expressing themselves in writing.
  • The people they appreciate most are those who take the time to understand their values and the goals they are working toward.
  • They tend to work in bursts of energy and are capable of great concentration and output when fully engaged in a project.
  • They may have difficulty performing routine tasks or doing work that has little meaning for them.

Potential blind spots for INFPs
  • They may spend their time dreaming of the impossible and accomplish very little.
  • INFPs may feel such a contrast between their ideals and their accomplishments that they burden themselves with a sense of inadequacy. They may then become overly sensitive and vulnerable, with dwindling confidence in themselves.
Dear Lord, are these people stalking me? They seem to know everything about me!

You might say reading your personality type is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, maybe like reading your horoscope. It could be completely wrong but leaves it open enough so you can interpret it however you’d like. But in this case, I think the description is pretty dead on. Now to work on those blind spots.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boy, Do I Feel Silly

About a year ago, a I considered applying for a position with one of those sort of ambiguous titles. You know how some companies have a lot of VPs, but they’re not really second in command? That kind of title.

Though I had talked myself out of applying because I didn’t feel qualified, family and friends kept forwarding me the job with notes of how I’d be perfect for it. So, I thought, why not?

As I prepared my application, I emailed my references, one of whom told me she was applying, too. A red flag went up immediately: I knew I was completely out of my element (she’s a very high-ranked, super-experienced professional). I realized it truly was a much bigger job than what I’m qualified for.

But the damage was already done. All of my references, who were all part of that institution, understood firsthand what the position truly was. While they were supportive, they let me down as kindly as they could, feeling I wasn’t qualified for the job. They were totally right. And I was totally embarrassed.

OK, not just embarrassed. Mortified. Wanted to crawl under a rock and die. Maybe even leave the country so I’d never have to look them in the eyes again. Here were some of the people I most respect and I just made myself look like a total moron. If not a moron, then totally full of myself. Needless to say, I did not apply.

So, to finally let go of this embarrassment, which I’ve held on to for over a year, I’m writing about it, and I’m going to include a few tips. Because if you’re overly self-conscious like me, then you know what it’s like to carry this around.

Getting Over Embarrassment
  1. Remember that the world does not revolve around you.
  2. Understand that most people will eventually forget the incident.
  3. Admit your stupidity.
  4. Realize everyone has an embarrassing moment.
  5. Laugh about it.
  6. Talk about it.
  7. Learn and move on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Never Too Busy?

I will never forget the day my boss pulled me aside for a little talking-to. If you know me, you can guess which job this was. Hint: Rhymes with Twigs Lotto.

We had been in a meeting discussing plans for an event, for which we needed a banner. The group turned to me to ask if I could do it. Of course I would. That was my job. However, my plate was full for the day with higher priority tasks, so I said quite politely, I thought, “I won’t be able to get to it today, but I will make sure it gets done tomorrow.”

It seemed fair. The banner project wasn’t urgent, and I was emphasizing that I would make sure the task was completed quickly, but it wouldn't happen that afternoon.

So, about an hour later, my boss pulled me from my back office to a desk on the sales floor and scolded me in front of the salesmen. “If there’s one thing I won’t tolerate, it’s people saying they don’t have time,” he said. “You’re never too busy. You can always make time. I don’t ever want to hear that you don’t have time.”

I was completely caught off guard. When did I say I was too busy? Or that I didn’t have enough time? Or that I wouldn’t or couldn’t do it?

What’s that old saying? Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today? If it had been urgent, I would have reprioritized my day and made sure that it got done immediately. But it wasn’t and it was already mid afternoon.

I had never been scolded like that at a job, and it wouldn’t be the first time something was blown out of proportion in that particular work environment. Some other time I’ll tell you about a public blowup over an invoice line item for hair/makeup for a TV commercial featuring our hometown Green Bay Packers star and his lovely wife.

I’ve been fortunate to have some really outstanding supervisors (sans this example), who know there is a time and place for constructive criticism, which is a necessary part of growing as a professional. But there's a way to do this, which brings me to a couple of points for happy employees.
  1. Praise in public, criticize/coach/correct in private. Over three years, I witnessed more than public beratings than should ever happen in 50 years (because they shouldn’t happen in public at all). Fortunately, very few were directed at me, and when they were, I could usually recover quickly because the issues were beyond my control. I knew I was an easy scapegoat, so I just learned to deal with it. But no one should ever have to work in a culture of fear. If you find yourself in one that isn’t positive, start plotting your escape to a better environment. That’s what I had to do. And if you have a supervisor who yells, run. That’s just plain unnecessary.
  2. It's okay to say no. Right now, I have freelance projects out the wazoo, which is great, but let’s face it – between freelance, my “real” job and my volunteer activities, I’ve majorly overcommitted myself and it’s causing me a ton of stress. There’s not much more I can do but trudge through it and try to learn my lesson. In my previous life working on the dark side at Twigs Lotto, I never truly said no to anything, especially not after that initial sit-down. But I did learn to voice my concerns and offer alternatives. The next-day banner design was an alternative and no one was harmed by waiting until the next morning to complete the project. The world did not end, as my boss seemed to think it might if that banner wasn't done right that very moment.
So there’s my wisdom. It’s not much, but hopefully a few tips that will help someone along the way. And thank the Lord for new beginnings in more positive environments!